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art and talent


Kim, Amy, Peggy, and Peggy’s daughter, Samme, came over yesterday afternoon to make Silk Tie Colored Easter Eggs. We had a lovely time decorating eggs and relaxing together. Those are my dozen above.

I’ll show you the rest at the end of the post, but before I do, I have to share with you something I am totally in LOVE with and OBSESSED with!

This morning, as I perused through Pinterest, I spotted the most wonderful thing.

CB cookies

I am amazed and in awe of people and their talent.


If someone created these cookies for me, I know that I would never eat one!

No, I would put them on a pedestal. I would shellac them and place them in little individual shadow boxes to admire every day! Call me crazy, but honestly, I would!!

drool worthy

The chalkboard effect is beyond fabulous.


Seriously! Shut the front door!


March 30, 2013   1 Comment