… I’m back…

Hello! Is anyone still out there? Have you completely given up on me? I’m hoping not.
I’d like to say that since filing for divorce in January 2017, I’ve found it difficult to get back into blogging consistently. But if I’m completely honest with myself, the struggle started before that. I began to get less and less consistent when I was preparing for my daughter’s wedding in early 2015. Four years later and I’m finally ready to get back on the horse, for real this time!

I know all too well that I’ve said that before. In November 2015, I even titled a post, “I’m baaaack” – that was a couple of weeks after Marissa and Jeff’s wedding. Then, in February 2017, I wrote a post titled “back in the saddle.” But this time it is different. I am settled into my new single life. Settled in my home, where I feel more comfortable than I’ve felt in years. Settled in a new exciting business – Harmony Boards. And feeling settled with the personal growth and changes I’m making in myself.

Les Petites Gourmettes will always be a cooking/recipe blog but I’m ready to get a bit more personal with it too. My kids might think, “More personal? DO NOT Get MORE Personal!” They feel as though I overshare already, at least when it comes to them. But I don’t plan on talking about them so much. I’ll be talking more about me and how I truly feel about things. Don’t worry, it won’t be getting heavy, in fact, I hope for it to be more real and more heartfelt. I was holding back before because I was not always in a good place. I’m in a good place now. And I’m ready to open up to that.
[Read more →]March 8, 2019 26 Comments
Espresso Martini
We’ve been celebrating my mother-in-law, Patricia Hopkins, and her upcoming 92nd birthday all weekend long. She, along with her oldest son, my brother-in-law, Roger, and his daughter, my niece, Megan, flew in on Thursday. Mom’s birthday isn’t until the 13th, but this was the weekend that worked best for everyone’s schedule. Marissa is also in town, making it doubly special.
On Saturday afternoon, Megan was craving an espresso martini. She’d asked my nephew, Brandon, to make one for her a while back in Chicago and was disappointed when he didn’t create it for her. Brandon fancies himself as quite the mixologist, rightfully so. You may remember one of his creations that I just had to reproduce when I returned home from a trip to the windy city.
Anyhow, after I put together the makings for the espresso martini, Megan and Marissa felt the need to taunt Brandon on Instagram.
I put together a trio of Harmony Boards for our appetizers last night. I found the cute little pumpkin-shaped boards at Michael’s a couple of weeks ago. They were on clearance for 70% off!
November 5, 2018 No Comments
For the bridal shower, I not only made a quadruple recipe of the breakfast potatoes, but I also made 5 of these frittatas. The most challenging part of that was finding a place to slide the frittatas out after I cooked them. It had to be something that could then be transported to the home of the hostess, Whitney, and placed in her oven to reheat. The best I could come up with was to turn over baking sheets and place 2 frittatas on each sheet.
It may not have been the perfect solution but it worked. Once again, when you see the photos, don’t be alarmed by the quantity of food. If you make this, it will be a fifth as much.
October 26, 2018 No Comments
morning yummy
The weekend before last, my friend and former neighbor, Whitney, hosted a bridal shower. She asked me to help with the food and she ordered a Harmony Board too.
The menu was a green salad, frittatas, and breakfast potatoes. Since I’m Irish and I love potatoes, I’ll post that recipe first.
I quadrupled the recipe, so when you see the photos, do not fret. It looks like a lot because it is a lot!
I bought a mix of baby potatoes from Costco. The tri-color of the potatoes and tri-color of the bell peppers really make for a pretty dish, as pretty as you can get with potatoes, anyhow.
In the recipe, I say to roughly chop the potatoes, think bite-size. With the baby potatoes, that was as easy as cutting them into quarters.
Since I was just dropping the food off, I didn’t get a photo of the finished product (I did the last stage of roasting at Whitney’s house and left them in the oven as I left) so, I’ll just leave you with a photo of one the lovey buffet tables she had set up for the food.
October 22, 2018 No Comments
the perfect comeback
Instead of a recipe, how about a little story about my experience at Costco today?
You know how you’re in a situation and after you walk away you think, “Why didn’t I say, “this that, or the other?”
Yeah, it happens all the time, you don’t think of that perfect response or come back until the situation is over and you’re away from it. Happens to me all the time too.
Do you know why? Because we don’t have TV comedy or drama writers following us around. It’s hard to think of the perfect thing to say in that second when you’re caught off guard.
Well, not today! (actually, by the time you read this it will have been tomorrow, but as I write it, it is today.)
Today I had the perfect comeback and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. Here’s the story –
October 17, 2018 No Comments
mocktail time
Cute mama-to-be, Chanté, posing in front of the cocktail station at the Harmony Boards launch party. She is the sweetest!
I’ve posted the recipes for the two signature cocktails we made for the party, so now it’s time for the mocktail. A mocktail that Chanté and others, who choose not to imbibe but still want to feel festive, could enjoy.
I wanted to try something new. I know so many people who are lovers of the elderflower flavor, such as the famous St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur. I’ve made several cocktails with St. Germain, such as this Champagne Cocktail, but to be perfectly honest, I’m not a fan of the elderflower flavor. It’s a bit too, let’s just say, flowery, for my taste.
But since I had no intention of drinking the mocktail that evening, I went ahead and created one using elderflower syrup.
Where can one find elderflower syrup, you ask? Amazon, of course.
Oh, and in the photo of the ingredients below, there is a bottle of agave. That is because I tried making it with a 1/2 teaspoon of agave nectar in my first attempt and … NO! It was way TOO sweet for not only my taste, but for anyone except maybe a six-year-old. Pretend that is not there!
October 12, 2018 No Comments
another signature cocktail
I have a thing for cucumber in cocktails, it’s so bright and refreshing. My all-time favorite is the Cucumber Martini.
What makes this drink different is the addition of mint simple syrup and the infusion of cucumber into the gin instead of muddling.
This is the second of two signature cocktails we served at the Harmony Boards launch party.
October 11, 2018 2 Comments
Harmony Boards Frozen Ginger-Lemon Drop
I created a couple of signature cocktails and a mocktail for the Harmony Boards Launch Party last week.
photo credit: Robert Westerman
This first recipe was the big hit of the night. You’ll know why when you see the ingredient list:
- Fresh lemon juice – check.
- Sugared rims – check.
- Fresh ginger – check.
- Everyone’s favorite alcohol, Vodka – check!
Of course, not everything can go off without a hitch. I’d made the Ginger-Lemonade and other components for the cocktails at home earlier in the week. Then Kim and I transported and prepped everything at the venue on Tuesday, the day before the party.
(I should stop here to say that the venue is one of the charming Airbnb that Kim’s son and daughter-in-law, Cody and Chanté, operate. Cody and his Chisel Built company do the remodel and Chanté does the interior design. You can visit this home, known as the Zona Rosa, and their other vacation rentals at Chisel Built Stays.)
Late Tuesday night, around midnight, I woke up from deep sleep to remember that the lemonade had to be poured onto sheet pans and frozen. Oops!
photo credit: Robert Westerman
I was so concerned that I’d forget in the morning, that I got up and put the sheet pans in my car. It wasn’t until I arrived at the house, pans in hand, that I realized they would not fit in the freezer. Now what?
I poured the lemonade into a couple of dozen small plastic cocktail cups and put them in the freezer. I knew I wasn’t going to get the same easy effect as I’d get by spreading it on sheet pans, where the frozen slushy-like mixture could be simply scraped off into a pitcher. I was going to get frozen lemon cubes. But, in a pinch, a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do!
photo credit: Robert Westerman
When it came time to mix up the cocktails, a few of the cups were still slushy in texture, which is what we needed. But most were rock hard. Poor Kim took on the task of breaking and mashing those lemon ice cups down. It all worked out in the end – everyone raved. Thanks, Kim!
October 10, 2018 No Comments
You’re Invited …
… to the Harmony Boards Launch Party!!!
Yup, it’s official and it’s finally happening. Harmony Boards has hit the ground running. We have already delivered several boards and have several more on the calendar.
If you’re local, we’d love to see you at our Launch Party, a week from today. Be sure to RSVP to the email in the invite or you can do so by leaving us a comment here.
Linda Hopkins & Kim Howard invite you and a guest
to the Launch Party of their new venture
Harmony Boards
Wednesday, October 3
at the oh so chic
Zona Rosa Residence
7819 E. Culver St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Signature Cocktails & Wine Bar 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Please RSVP by Monday, October 1
*Each attendee who has RSVP’d is entered into a drawing to win a free
Harmony Board
In the meantime, please visit us at AZHarmonyBoards.com
September 26, 2018 6 Comments
missed it
Guess what? While I was in Canada throughout the middle of August, I forgot all about my own blogiversary. I know! That’s crazy talk. It’s like forgetting to celebrate my own birthday, and I love my birthday! But forget it, I did. August 16th was my 9th Blogiversary. I’ll have to make up for it next year when this blog has been around for a decade.
Speaking of my Canada trip, I want to wrap up a few things I’ve yet to tell you about. And then I want to share with you something I totally kicked butt at yesterday. The images above are of a couple of the fabulous vintage items in the Howard’s Canadian kitchen. Love the breadbox (more on what is in there later) and adore the cookie jar.
Although I did most of the cooking for Kim, Debby, and myself, Kim did make a yummy spatchcock chicken. I don’t recall what cookbook the recipe came from but it was delicious. The green goddess marinade is blended in the food processor. The recipe didn’t call for the chicken to be spatchcocked (which simply means poultry that is split open or butterflied) but that is what Kim did with the whole organic chicken she purchased.
Here it is going into the oven to roast.
It was delicious!
My favorite thing Kim made though was her Curry Lentil Soup. I need to get that recipe and post it here because… YUM!
The other items Kim purchased were the best peaches, corn, and tomatoes I’ve had in my life! I am not exaggerating!
I had to control myself from eating every last one of these perfect Ontario pêches. This was the second pack we bought, so maybe I did eat an entire package myself.
And the pink Ottawa tomatoes, it was as if I hadn’t eaten a real tomato before. But that’s not all. Things got really real when Paul arrived.
September 7, 2018 6 Comments