Category — Recipes
muffin “almost there”
Here is a quote from yesterday’s post:
“So back to the drawing board. I hope to have it down by tomorrow and post the recipe and my success.”
What I hoped to have down was the recipe for “The Rebel Within” from Craftsman & Wolves, a restaurant in San Francisco. “The Rebel Within” is a buttery, cheesy, sausage flecked muffin with a soft-cooked egg in the center. The egg yolk in the muffin should be soft and runny with the oozing yolk dripping like liquid gold onto the plate.
The muffin is named after a Hank Williams III song. Williams is the grandson of the legendary Hank Williams and the son of Hank Williams, Jr.
So, the big question is… did I get it right? Was I successful? Was the liquid gold running onto my plate? No. No. and No!
I really wanted to name this post “Muffin Extraordinaire” but it’s honestly only “Muffin Almost There.”
I developed the recipe by using the blueprint of the muffin that I found on the restaurant’s website. It’s a tongue-in-cheek blueprint with a hint of what ingredients to use, but it has no real portions. At least it gave me a starting point.
First, I tried soft poaching the eggs for 3 minutes in simmering water and then shocking the cooked eggs in ice water, as with THIS method. But once the muffins were baked, the yolks were firm, not even close to runny.
The second go-round, I tried only poaching three of the eggs for one minute and shocking them in the ice water. I cracked the remaining three eggs directly into the bottom layer of batter in the muffin tin.
I imagined that the 1-minute poached eggs would work and that the raw eggs would run all over the place and make a mess.
Once the muffins were baked, I anxiously cut into one of each type of muffin. The result? Exactly the same as the first time around. The yolks were cooked firm. The raw eggs did not run and make a mess, as I anticipated, they were firm right in the center of the muffin, just as the poached eggs were.
Even though the yolks didn’t turn out as I had hoped, I am going to share the recipe I developed while trying to get it right, because even without runny yolks, the muffin is AMAZING! Wonderfully scrumptious. Somehow the muffin is dense, yet still fluffy and fabulously flavorful.
Instead of naming my version “The Rebel Within” I shall name mine “The Easter Egg Within.”
January 31, 2013 9 Comments
orthopedics, San Fran, and runny yolks
The day after returning from San Francisco, I had a follow-up appointment at the orthopedics office. The x-rays showed that I am completely healed and may resume all activities, unrestricted. Yay – take that you stupid extension ladder!
I had THE best time with Marissa in the City by the Bay. We shopped, we ate, we treated ourselves to a mani/pedi, we ate, we shopped some more, and we ate…
One of the stores we went to was Pot & Pantry on the corner of Guerrero and 18th Streets.
It’s an adorable little store that is deliberately designed to feel as if you’re shopping in a friend’s kitchen. Customers can buy, sell, or trade new and gently used kitchenware. It’s mostly new with a bit of vintage here and there.
I bought a couple of little things, big surprise!
While checking out, I noticed little postcard-sized cards that had lovely watercolors of food on them.
January 30, 2013 2 Comments
technology vs. preserved Meyer lemons
Along with the candied lemon slices from yesterday, I also put up five large Mason jars of preserved Meyer lemons. You can find the recipe HERE.
I hadn’t planned on making preserved lemons on this particular day, but since I was “being held captive by my technology“ I decided to make good use of my time.
The problem was with our TiVo. It decided to quit communicating with our router and wireless network. Or maybe it was the router and the wireless network that decided it no longer want to play nice with our TiVo.
Either way, it wasted a full 6 hours of my day.
I’ve always gotten wonderful customer service and tech support from TiVo. My luck may have run out on that.
The tech saga began at 2:20 PM on Martin Luther King Day. I use my computer to log into Tivo Support Online and entered into a chat with a technician named Natalie. Natalie had me do all sorts of shutdowns, unplugging, replugging, and restarting my TiVo and my router.
After 20 minutes of it, I realized that I would need to multi-task and take on another project, in-between our communications, to prevent me from going mad.
So I grabbed a cookie sheet, a cutting board, a knife, a bowl, some paper towels, and a bunch of Meyer lemons. I worked on this while simultaneously working on my technical issues with Natalie.
At one point, and I’m not making this up, this was our chat:
Natalie: OK Linda, unplug the Ethernet cord from the back of the TiVo box and while it resets, go and get a paperclip.
Linda: OK MacGyver, the cord is unplugged, I’ll go get a paperclip.
Natalie: LOL, “MacGyver,” you are too funny!
Linda: Natalie, I’m back with the paperclip, I assume you want me to unfold it and stick the end into some small hole somewhere. Might I need some Silly Putty and a shoelace too?
Natalie: Now who’s Ms. MacGyver? No, just the paperclip will do. Yes, unfold it and stick it in the small hole on the bottom of the TiVo wireless adapter, then plug the Ethernet back in and tell me what happens.
Linda: Done and done. Nothing has happened. Are you certain I don’t need a wadded up piece of gum or something to make this damn thing work?!?
January 29, 2013 5 Comments
candied lemons
Nearly all of my Meyer lemon crop has been juiced out. I saved a few to candy.
Candied Meyer lemon, as well as regular lemon, slices are lovey as a garnish on dessert plates and delicious when added to salads, either whole or chopped. The slices are a sweet tangy treat on their own or dipped in chocolate. They would be a lovely hostess gift, packed in a small Mason jar.
January 28, 2013 2 Comments
dinner party main course
This is the final recipe from our dinner party with Karen and Bob. As with the other recipes, I found this in a food magazine, this time from the February issue of Food & Wine.
The changes I made; two large onions seemed like too much, so I decreased it to one. The recipe was called Ratatouille Toasts with Fried Eggs, it is now Ratatouille Toasts with Poached Eggs. Poached eggs are easier and able to be done ahead, a huge bonus when entertaining.
To do so; poach your eggs as normal, but under-cook them slightly. About 30 seconds off of your normal cooking time should do the trick. Just make sure the whites are nearly set. Lift the eggs directly out of the simmering water and into an ice bath to stop the cooking. Then place them into the refrigerator until you need them.
When you’re ready to serve, bring a pot of water to a gentle simmer and give your eggs a final 45 seconds of poaching. Because the whites are already set, you can heat several eggs at once without worrying that they will stick together. This takes much less time than poaching all the eggs at the last minute.
I usually poach the eggs the night before or the morning of a dinner or brunch. In the recipe below, I have instructions as if you are going to serve the eggs immediately, just in case that is how you would prefer to do it. Use the instructions above for making ahead.
January 25, 2013 1 Comment
lemon pizza?
The idea for this pizza came from the Corkscrew Cafe in Carmel Valley, California.
I’ve never been there. I have never had their pizza, but as you well know, I have Meyer lemons… so it is this pizza that I made!
I read the description on the menu, and the plethora of raves about it on Yelp, and I came up with my own Meyer Lemon Pizza.
Are you worried that you may not like this pizza because of the full lemon slices on there? Peel and all! Please don’t be. Meyer lemon peel is thinner and sweeter and it is delicious!
In addition, just yesterday, my friend, Amy (Amy’s Famous Taco Soup) sent me an email with all kinds of amazing information about lemon peels.
Did you know that lemon peels contain as much as 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself? Lemon peels eradicate toxic elements in the body. The peel is an antimicrobial agent that fights against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure, and is an antidepressant, that combats stress and nervous disorders. And according to the email Amy sent me, lemon kills cancer cells and is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
Now, I haven’t done an ounce of research to back up any of the information in that email, it could be “internet truth.” But if even 1/10th of that is true… well get out there and eat your lemons, peels and all… and start with this pizza! If you still are not convinced, you can always look to have pizza delivered to you through a simple online order.
January 23, 2013 2 Comments
2 cocktails and 1 appetizer
I can’t believe not one of you made a comment yesterday about my awesome tub photo.
Come on people, I cleaned up. I made sure the pumas stone, heel file, razor, shaving cream, loofah, and other junk was out of the photo. I’d had a pedicure just a couple days before, so my toes looked all pretty…
I even lit the bird candle!
And not one comment about any of it. I have to say, I’m a little disappointed.
Oh well, even so, I will still do as I promised and give you three recipes today. Three in one day! Yeah, no problem. 🙂
Karen and Bob enjoying their Blackberry- Meyer Lemon Gin & Tonics. Bob had shoulder surgery on December 26th, so my cocktails were a good substitute for any pain meds.
I’m just here to be of service.
Seriously though – Cheers to a speedy recovery, Bob!
January 22, 2013 3 Comments
lemon curd cake
This is the dessert I made with that microwave lemon curd I posted yesterday. The recipe said to serve it warm or at room temperature. I served it warm. That was a mistake.
I had a piece the next morning (yes, for breakfast – don’t judge!) that was at room temperature –
So. Much. Better.
Do not serve it warm!
As with the curd, this recipe comes from the February issue of Southern Living. I only altered it slightly; using Meyer lemons instead of regular lemons, honey yogurt instead of plain, and adding a bit of garnish.
The one other change I’ll make when I make it next time, is to cut the crumb topping in half. Not that it was overwhelming or that it was not wonderful, just to cut down on the fat and calories. It’s just that half a stick of butter seems like a better bet than a full stick when you can do with less, you know?
If you love lemon, lemon curd, lemon bars… yeah, any sort of lemony-goodness, you’ll love this. It’s a keeper!
January 20, 2013 1 Comment
a dinner party story
Earlier this week I told you that we were having, Karen, my long-time friend, who was a bridesmaid in our wedding, and her husband, Bob, over for dinner on Friday night.
As of Thursday night, I had not a clue what I’d make for dinner the next evening. I wasn’t too worried, I knew I’d figure out something, so I went to bed.
In the wee hours, the house phone rang.
That really is the worst thing, isn’t it? Nothing good can come of that, no good phone calls occur at 3:53 AM!
I rolled over, grabbed the phone, and looked, through very blurry eyes, at the caller ID. “Starnetpaetec” is what it read. I immediately pressed “Talk” and then “End” and said a choice curse word or two.
Starnetpaetec, whoever you are, what the heck? It’s 3:53 AM, what could you possibly think you could sell me at that hour?!?
Thank you for ending my much-needed sleep for the night. Yep, that was it. For the next hour, try as I might, I was not able to fall asleep, too many aches and pains in my leg prevented it. Finally, I relented and decided to get in the Jacuzzi tub to relieve the pain.
And that is where and when I came up with my menu and shopping list for the dinner party that was, by now, only 12 hours away.
I love to read books or peruse magazines in the tub. I had a stack there already and pieced together the menu from the February issues of Food & Wine, Cooking Light, and Southern Living. Today’s recipe comes from Southern Living.
On the cover this month, there is a gorgeous Lemon Bar Cheesecake.
Lemon! Yay! Inside, there are several recipes using lemon curd to make different desserts. Lemon Curd! Triple YAY!
The thing is, there was a new way of making the lemon curd that intrigued me. Using the microwave. I was curious as to just how that would turn out as compared with the usual stove-top method. Turns out, pretty darn well.
Personally, I will probably use the standard method from here on out, because I found having to go to the microwave every minute, and then every 30 seconds, to stir it, more annoying than just standing there and stirring constantly, as you usually do. That could be attributed to the fact that I’m a bit ADD and find it difficult to keep track of all those time intervals.
Need proof of that? I had to put a Post-it note on the microwave to keep track of the times I stirred it.
Seriously! If I didn’t do this, God only knows how many times I would have cooked and stirred this for 1 minute, could have been 4 or 10 – most certainly not the correct amount!
But, if you’ve been afraid to try making lemon curd before, stop being afraid and make this recipe. It works perfectly and you’ll finally have homemade lemon curd you can be proud of!
The rest of the recipes from the dinner will be posted throughout the week to come, including the dessert I used this curd for.
January 19, 2013 No Comments
meyer lemon pasta
This was my horoscope on Tuesday.
How perfect is that? Oh, here are the last few words you can’t see, “… nourishment and warm feelings.”
It’s perfect because I already had on my calendar two dinner parties this week.
Peggy and Anne were over last night and my dear friend, Karen, who was a bridesmaid in my wedding 27 years ago, and her husband Bob, are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Got to Love It!
Are you ready for the onslaught of Meyer lemon recipes? I hope so, that is what I’ll be making for quite a while now!
Don’t have Meyer lemons? Not to worry. You can use regular lemons in any of my recipes that call for Meyer lemons.
I saw a photo of a version of this salad on Pinterest and was inspired by the use of a trifle bowl to serve it in. I created the recipe from scratch but stole the visuals and serving idea. If you don’t have, but have always wanted, a trifle bowl – Crate & Barrel always has them in stock.
It’s so pretty and springtime fresh and it turned out to be a delicious main course salad. I’m sure Peggy and Anne will attest to that. It would be lovely as a side salad on a buffet too.
January 17, 2013 2 Comments