Pop-Up Market

I’ve been MIA this week because I’ve got a few too many irons in the fire. That phrase can be taken literally since I was branding dozens of Harmony Boards Thursday morning!

After shopping for my Wednesday night cooking class and delivering Harmony Boards, I worked at Les Gourmettes on Monday night.
Tuesday, I prepped for Wednesday’s class and made more Harmony Boards. Wednesday, I finished prepping, packed it all up, and taught my second of three series classes. The very special treat of this week was that Connor took the day off from work and came to Les Gourmettes. Marissa had attended a class late last year and was so happy that she had the opportunity before Les Gourmettes closes its doors. I wanted Connor to have the same experience. Both he and I are so happy he did!
[Read more →]May 10, 2019 2 Comments