crazy lady

bouquets garnis
A cassoulet, which originated in the south of France, is a hearty cold-weather meal filled with meats and baked in a thick stew of beans and vegetables. So why am I making a cassoulet when it is 109 degrees outside? Answer – because I’m crazy, that’s why! Actually, along with the craziness, there is a practical reason. I had just less than a pound of leftover lamb cut from a shank that I used for THIS RECIPE. And I know, without a doubt, that if I tucked it into the freezer and waited till fall to make the cassoulet, it would be lost forever in the depths of my freezer and eventually thrown away.
Cassoulets generally take between 6 – 8 hours to prepare… plus the overnight soaking of the beans. I’ve pared this down to about 3 hours and with only 1 hour of bean soaking time. For that reason I am calling this a quick cassoulet, although 3 + 1 hours isn’t exactly quick, I know! Bookmark this for winter and you’ll enjoy having the kitchen all warm and aromatic for that length of time, I promise. This recipe can be easily doubled or even tripled to serve a crowd.
July 27, 2011 1 Comment