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Good news

The good news is that I did not have an ounce of jet lag!

jet lag

Staying awake for 24 hours and then going to bed at 7:30 PM once arriving home from the airport was the key. I was still tired the next day, the day our company arrived, but I again went to bed early, by 9:00, and have slept well ever since. That is the first time I’ve ever returned from Europe and beaten it!

beat it!

We had a wonderful time with Dave’s brother and sister-in-law, Tom and Beth.

cubs park

We checked out Cubs Park in Mesa which replaced the old Hohokam Stadium and is now of the home of the Chicago Cubs for spring training.

desert botanical garden

We visited the Desert Botanical Gardens for the Chihuly in the Garden event.

Chihuly in the Garden

If you haven’t seen it yet, it is a must.

Chihuly at Desert Botanical Garden

It runs through May 18, 2014.



March 28, 2014   No Comments