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Barcelona Day 3 – churches

Catedral de Barcelona 1

Thursday was our “church day.”

sagrada familia

In the morning we toured La Sagrada Familia which is architect Antonio Gaudi’s most famous work. Gaudi began his lifelong project of the church at the age of 31 and continued to work on it for 43 years, until his accidental death in 1926.


The church is still under construction. There are currently four spires or towers. Once finished, there will be 18 towers. The hope is to complete the church in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death.

birth faces east

Just as the sun rises in the east, representing birth and the joy of a new day, the east side of the church is the Nativity Facade. It is intricate, full of life and joy.

passion faces west

And as the sun sets in the west, the west side of the church is the Passion Facade. It is starker in nature, as you might imagine since it tells the story of Jesus’ passion and death.


There are two elevators that take you partway up the towers for a great view of the city: the Passion Facade elevator and the Nativity Facade elevator.

snail staircase

We went up the Nativity Facade elevator and then took a very narrow and tight spiraling staircase all the way down.

tree of life

One of the beautiful features on this side of the church is the Tree of Life. It is a cypress tree and represents everlasting life. The many doves in the tree represent the true believers who flock to Christ.


I loved listening to the audio program and learning about all the symbolism in the design of the church. And one of the most touching moments was when we were going out one of the doors, to listen to the next station of our audio program.

holy water

As we were walking out, a few of the construction workers who you see inside, outside, and all around the church, going about their work day were coming in the same door. One of the men made the sign of the cross as he crossed the threshold of the door. It really moved me to see how he was so conscious of where he was, not just “at work” but in a place of worship, a holy place. As a tourist, it is something that so many of us forget to keep in mind.


March 15, 2014   2 Comments