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Friday Q & A

     “It’s like trying to pick your favorite child.”

Today I tackle the last of Lori’s four questions she’d posted after I asked for you, the readers, to pose questions to me for a new Friday Q & A feature.


I thought it was going to be the easiest of the four, so I “saved the best for last” – boy, was I wrong!  Here is Lori’s question:

“I know with your vast database, it is practically impossible, but can you tell us your list of the top-10 recipes that are quick, easy-peasy, crowd-pleasing, always get asked for the recipe, recipes? I am always overwhelmed when I get on your website and start looking through everything. I get so sidetracked sometimes, I totally forget why I went on in the first place.”

Sounds like an easy enough question, until you consider that I’ve posted 1,454 times over these last 4 1/2 years… that amounts to at least 1,000 recipes!


And as I considered the question more carefully, it became impossible to narrow down to ten. I found ten recipes I love and that fit Lori’s criteria before I got past the “appetizer” section of my Complete Recipe Index. In fact, before I knew it, I had over 25 appetizers alone.

I narrowed those down to six and started looking at the “Easy-Breezy” section of the index. Again, I had a list longer than my arm, so I just narrowed that down to two soups and two slow-cooker recipes.

As a result, I have to say, “No Lori, I can’t give you a definitive list of my Top 10 recipes on this site, quick, easy-peasy, crowd-pleasing or otherwise.”


Instead, here are six appetizers, two soups and two crockpot meals to get you started on a Top 10 List of your own. I can guarantee that each of these is crowd-pleasing and if you make them once, they will instantly become a part of your repertoire.


March 7, 2014   1 Comment