easy paper-snowflake craft

I honestly can’t recall the last time I posted a craft. You may recall that I used to host craft parties at my home each spring and fall from 2012 – 2014. My last party was nearly six years ago on October 12, 2014. How does that much time go by so quickly? I decided to get crafty for my son, Connor’s, birthday dinner and make some paper snowflakes out of brown paper lunch bags.
I had purchased a huge package of the lunch sacks at Smart & Final to use at Chanté and Cody’s wedding, but that project was abandoned, leaving me with 250 paper bags. I knew that they would come in handy one of these days!

This was the tablescape for Connor’s intimate family Birthday Dinner. Recipes in the coming days.
[Read more →]May 28, 2020 No Comments