out of time and choices
As I sit here on Sunday night at nearly 8:00, in my heart I want to put up a recipe post but I really don’t have it in me. I had a busy (work-wise) weekend but also a kind of shitty (sorry, it’s still my favorite word) personal weekend. In fact, after working the morning away, I spent all of the rest of Sunday, in avoidance, watching a great show on Netflix called “Dead To Me” Which coincidently, was picked up for a second season just this week.

I highly recommend it and I thank Lisa and Jen for recommending it to me. xoxo

So how about I give you some choices for recipe posts for the coming days? I’ll show you a few photos and you can leave me comments telling me which ones you are most interested in getting the recipes for. I’m sure that eventually, I’ll post the recipe for each and every single one, but how you respond (or choose not to respond) will help me decide which to post first.
Then once I’ve posted the recipe, I’ll like it to the photo below for easy reference.

Several of these recipes are long-time favorites that I featured in my last series of classes at Les Gourmettes Cooking School.

And some of the others are dishes I made for an early birthday dinner that Peggy and I hosted on Thursday night for our sweet Anne.

In fact, TODAY is Anne’s actual birthday! Happy Birthday, Sweet Anne. I adore you! xoxo

June 10, 2019 10 Comments