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sophisticated mac & cheese

There is so much to love about this mac & cheese:

  1. It’s mac & cheese for goodness sake – gotta love that!
  2. It has three fantastic kinds of cheese – provolone, Fontina, and mozzarella … no cheddar in sight
  3. No need to do a stove-top roux first – super easy
  4. It’s topped with rich beef short rib meat
  5. The meat is already cooked and prepared, ready to shred and use – EASY!
  6. Individual servings – awesome!
  7. It was a huge hit with my guys (husband, son, and Dad) last Sunday night – Manly Man Mac & Cheese!
  8. Lastly, if you made or plan to make the 3-cheese grilled cheese sandwich from yesterday’s post… this uses the same 3 kinds of cheese. Coincidence? I think not.

Yeah, this is good stuff, perfect for a family meal and special enough for guests. I purchased the prepared boneless short ribs at Costco, but I’ve noticed that most grocery stores sell pre-cooked and packaged short ribs as well. For some strange reason, the Costco package is 17 ounces, but we’ll just round it down to a pound – to make it easy. The meat also comes in a sauce, drain it off and discard, you won’t need it. You will be making an easy and much better ragù.


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September 21, 2012   3 Comments

shrimp sausage pasta

Back in early June, I told you how I was going to join a CSA.  Well, I did, and I was able to pick up a box of fresh Crooked Sky Farm produce every Thursday morning for the past eight weeks. What fun it was to be surprised by the bounty I received.

For the last four weeks of the eight, there was fresh corn. Corn is one vegetable we never get tired of. This is one of the many “easy-breezy” dishes I created to use up all that corn. Of course, many a night, it was plain old corn on the cob, always a wonderful summer-time treat!


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August 12, 2012   3 Comments

summer fresh pasta

After driving by literally hundreds of farms and thousands of acres of corn fields in Minnesota and Wisconsin, during our vacation to the North Woods, I’ve had corn on my mind.  I took dozens of photos of as many of the charming farms and barns as I could, as we sped by in our rental car.  We even came upon a flock of wild turkey on the side of the road.  I made Dave turn the car around so I could get a picture.  They took flight just as I clicked the shutter.  That, and more barn pictures are at the end of this post.

The first meal I made when we returned home was this pasta with shrimp and fresh corn off the cob.

Even though the pasta is in a cream sauce, it is still lite and perfect for a summer supper. Instead of clam juice, I used some lobster stock I had in the freezer (the continuation of my perpetual freezer clean-out!), and wow, did it make a delicious sauce! And that is the reason my sauce is a little darker than yours will be if you use clam juice.


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July 23, 2012   2 Comments

small servings

These individual lasagna servings are a fun and less-mess way to serve lasagna at a casual party.  They are delicious straight from the oven or even at room temperature.


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July 17, 2012   2 Comments


Do you have a child in your life?
Does he/she love spaghetti?
Do you want to see a huge smile on their face?
Then make this – and be sure to have them help you!


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July 6, 2012   1 Comment


My cup runneth over… my three tomato plants are producing between one and two dozen tomatoes each and every day.  It’s hard to keep up!

We are eating tomatoes at just about every meal, every day; under a poached egg on an English muffin for breakfast, on sandwiches for lunch, and mixed into something or another for dinner.  This pasta dish was especially popular with my guys.


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May 25, 2012   No Comments

day 3 -take your lunch to work

This salad comes together quickly. The pasta takes ten minutes to cook and while that is boiling away, you just have to chop up a few things and then toss it all together in a bowl… and you’re done. Easy and quick, right?

You’ll only be using half of a can of beans. Refrigerate the rest and add it to another salad later on or mash with a little olive oil, garlic, minced cilantro, salt, and pepper and you have a tasty little bean dip.

The feta I used is, of course, from Trader Joe’s and I love the addition of the Mediterranean herbs. Oh, and crumbled goat cheese would be a lovely cheese to use instead of feta.


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May 2, 2012   4 Comments

90 hours a week

My poor husband is working at least 90 hours a week. He has dragged his worn-out self in the door at 9:30 or 10:00 the last several nights, exhausted to the bone. At least there is a dim little light at the end of the tunnel… unfortunately, it does not shine into full brightness on April 15th this year.

Last year it was April 18th because of a Federal holiday that fell on a Saturday but was observed on the Friday before, which was April 15th.  And since tax filing deadlines can’t fall on a weekend or holidays, it was extended to Monday, April 18. Confused yet? Well, this year the 15th is Sunday and then Monday, the 16th, is that same holiday.  Many people know nothing of this new (only since 2005) day off for the Feds.  Here is the lowdown from the ever-reliable Wikipedia:

“The municipality of Washington, D.C., celebrates April 16 as Emancipation Day. On that day in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbia.

On January 4, 2005, Mayor Anthony A. Williams signed legislation making Emancipation Day an official public holiday in the District. Although Emancipation Day occurs on April 16, by law when April 16 is a Saturday, Emancipation Day is observed on the preceding Friday.

In 2007, the observance of this holiday in Washington, D.C. had the effect of nationally extending the 2006 income tax filing deadline from April 16 to April 17. The 2007 date change was not discovered until after many forms went to print. In 2011, the tax deadline was extended to Monday, April 18, since the observed date for the holiday was Friday, April 15. In 2012, because Emancipation Day falls on Monday, April 16th, and the normal tax deadline of April 15th falls on a Sunday, the tax deadline will be on Tuesday, April 17th.

There you go, now you know exactly why your taxes aren’t due until April 17th this year and why my husband and CPAs everywhere are tortured for an additional two days.

Since I’ve been cooking for one, I’m cooking quickly and lightly. This recipe is a perfect example. I’ve eaten it for dinner, lunch the next day, and dinner again until finally I just tossed the rest of it. It is the perfect vegetarian meal. If you’re observant you’ll notice that I used chicken broth instead of the suggested vegetable broth, only because I had a partial box in my fridge left from Easter. Use vegetable broth or water to keep it vegetarian.


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April 13, 2012   1 Comment


Image from Pinterest

I’ve been working with a friend/neighbor, cooking together once a week, to help increase her repertoire and confidence in the kitchen.

We make a meal for that night and another meal for the next night… something in the crock-pot or a casserole that can be refrigerated overnight and then popped in the oven the next day.

She has two sons who are picky eaters, I had forgotten what it felt like to have picky eaters! Because of that, we are taking it slow.  Let’s see; no fish or seafood, extremely limited variety of vegetables (when I say limited, I’m talking only potatoes, corn, and tomato), nothing too spicy… you get the picture.

They like pasta, red sauce, and meatballs… so I came up with this easy recipe for the “second-night” dinner… from the refrigerator to oven.  Add a fresh salad and she is ready to rock and roll.


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April 12, 2012   No Comments

“as is” or add-in

Spaghetti, Angel Hair, or Linguini
Fresh garlic cloves or Trader Joe’s frozen garlic cubes
Extra-virgin olive oil
Red pepper flakes

If you always have these four items in your pantry – you always have dinner ready in less than 10 minutes!  Seriously, you can use only those four ingredients for a meal or add in whatever you have on hand.

Some of the things I’ve added to this standby dish?

For protein; cooked shrimp, chicken, bacon, scallops, or slivers of leftover pork or beef.

Generally, I keep it vegetarian, in which case, anything I have in my fridge goes in; green beans, asparagus, mushrooms, leftover caramelized onions, herbs, snow peas, sugar snap peas, leftover cooked squash, sliced summer squash, arugula, or spinach.

Honestly, the list is endless. For dinner last night, I only added sliced Belgium endive and cherry tomato halves.

This is the go-to meal when the goal is to get dinner onto the table before anyone has a chance to whine, “When are we eating, I’m starving!”


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March 6, 2012   3 Comments