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the brat in me

I had planned to put up a recipe today. I have it all typed and entered, I’ve purchased the necessary ingredients, I was ready to roll… until I just decided I didn’t want to make it. Not. Today.

The deal is, I’m in the middle of my three-week Wednesday night series of classes at Les Gourmettes and after prepping all morning and afternoon yesterday and then teaching last night, I just don’t have it in me to make the dish I planned to make today. It’s as if the little bratty girl inside me said, “No, I don’t want to do it and you can NOT make me!!!”

Alright, you spoiled 3-year-old, don’t cook today!  Instead, I’m gonna show you what I did with that lead glass window I purchased last month at Sweet Salvage. When I first posted about it, I said, “And I seriously have no idea why I had to have this 5-foot tall lead glass window or what the heck I’m going to do with it! Any ideas from you creative people out there?!?”  Not one of you came to my rescue with an ounce of help, so I had to go it on my own.  For the last 3 weeks, it has stood in a corner beneath my staircase. I’d pass it every day, asking myself, “Why did you buy that huge heavy thing and what the heck were you thinking?” 

Then one day, out of the blue, I had an inspired moment.  There is this high ledge, above a closet, next to our front door.  It has held the same sorry and sad items since we moved into this house 13 years ago.  That is a long time to leave something the same… 13 years! I wish I could show you a “before” picture, but I can’t find one and I wasn’t bright enough to snap a photo before I took all the junk that was up there, down.  But trust me, it was a bunch of southwestern pots brought over from our previous house, which was territorial style, along with a big manzanita branch. It all looked old and tired.

And here is what it looks like now. So much better and brighter.

The window is quite fragile… notice the right side of the photo above. The bottom edge of the window is curved, bent, and breaking. So getting the weight off the bottom side was imperative in keeping it in one piece.

I’m pleased with how it turned out and now I can even say that I’m happy I bought it!

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1 Pat { 05.10.12 at 2:49 PM }

Brilliant!! It looks great! xoxoxoxoxox

2 dagmar { 05.10.12 at 5:05 PM }

I had random thoughts about the window…maybe on top of the mantle, or bottom, an insert in a window, table top, outdoors decor, but, I didn’t know your house …You did a great job with it! Love the globe! x0x0x

3 Linda Hopkins { 05.10.12 at 5:26 PM }

Thanks, Mom. And Dagmar, all of those ideas are great!

4 Peggy { 05.11.12 at 9:04 PM }

Well, I am impressed! I wasn’t sure what you would dream up for that piece, but I love where you have it now. P.S. I remember the tired, old southwestern pieces from the old house. I loved them then…

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