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Category — Recipes

coffee ahi

coffee tuna

Seared ahi tuna is already one of the easiest and most impressive things to make for a special occasion or on the fly any ordinary weeknight.

A little salt and pepper, a little oil, and a hot skillet or grill pan are all you need. I’ve decided to make it a tiny bit more complex, by adding a marinade of coffee, sugar, and salt.

See, not too much more difficult, just a little something extra.


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January 15, 2013   1 Comment


1 pound muffins

It doesn’t make sense that this recipe did not appear on my blog long ago.

I developed it back in the late 1990’s and it was published in “Reflections Under the Sun: The Brightest Collection of the Best Recipes from the Junior League of Phoenix” in 1999.

I remember being so pleased when the JLP requested a recipe from me. I hadn’t been a member for a couple of years by then.

I had become a member in 1992, back when the previous cookbook was being published, joining too late to participate in that project.

white pitchers

Anyhow, everyone loves these muffins. We often make them for our graduation luncheon during summer cooking classes with the teens and there is never a crumb left. How they have been so elusive and not yet appeared here, is beyond me.  Make a batch now and thank me later!


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January 13, 2013   1 Comment

slow cooker tip

Today, I have more of a tip for you than a recipe. It all came about because of a mispurchase that I made at Costco some time ago.

Mispurchase ~ spell-check does not like that, but I think it is a perfectly reasonable word.

chicken legs

Anyhow, I accidentally bought a huge package of chicken legs instead of chicken thighs, and the legs have been sitting in my freezer for much too long.

Connor is still home this week, so I decided that he would absolutely love to have chicken legs for dinner and for a few lunches before he goes back to school on Monday.

2 sauce choices

I also had way too many bottles of various sauces taking up room in my refrigerator. I used a mix of these two.

So what does all this have to do with a new tip for a crock-pot/slow cooker?

Being as lazy as can be, I didn’t want to brown the legs before sticking them in the slow cooker and I didn’t want to have to pull the skin off of all 15 of them. But I also didn’t want all that fat from the skin to be floating around in there.  So… I came up with for brilliant idea of wadding up some foil and placing it in the bottom. Worked like a charm!


The fat all went down below the foil and the legs turned out crispy and cooked through and through.


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January 11, 2013   4 Comments

pop and fresh

These “pillows” aren’t what anyone would consider gourmet, but they are still pretty darn great!

chicken pillows

I saw a recipe similar to this on Pinterest the other day. I didn’t pin it, but when I went grocery shopping later in the day, it popped into my mind.

pinterest chart

So I bought what I thought were the right ingredients and just winged it.


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January 10, 2013   3 Comments

eat your kale

Saying, “Eat Your Kale” is so 2012, but that doesn’t mean Kale is not still King in 2013.

strip the stems


  • One cup of kale still has only 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 0 grams of fat.
  • Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef.
  • Kale is high in Vitamin K. Eating a diet high in Vitamin K can help protect against various cancers.
  • It is high in antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids, which also help protect against various cancers.
  • Kale is great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale is filled with 10% of the recommended daily allowance of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against arthritis, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.
  • Eating more kale can help lower cholesterol levels.
  • It is high in Vitamin A, which is great for your vision, and your skin, as well as helping to prevent lung and oral cavity cancers.
  • Kale is high in Vitamin C, high in calcium, and kale is still a great detox food. If you’re someone who really likes to take the time to watch what they eat for the purposes of detoxing in order to maintain or improve their health, perhaps these tips for detoxing your liver will be of interest.

To summarize – Eat Your Kale!

This quick and easy pasta recipe should help get it on your table on any busy weeknight, especially if you use the meat from a rotisserie chicken, as I did.


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January 9, 2013   4 Comments

a recipe for love and healing

joyful joey

Five years ago yesterday, a loving little boy, I have known since he was in preschool, officially turned into a young man, an adult.

January 5, 2008, was Joey DeBolske’s 18th birthday.

SHS Hockey

Joey was in Colorado that day, celebrating and skiing/snowboarding with his father, Kevin. He was in his element. Joey loved to snowboard, he loved his dad (this was an annual trip Kevin made with friends, and this was the first time he had invited Joey to join him), and he loved Colorado.

In fact, he was considering attending college in Boulder, the following fall, after he graduated from Saguaro High School (my alma mater) later that spring.

cell photo

Five years ago today, on his way back home to Arizona, that little boy, who had grown into an amazing young man, whom we all adored, who is the son and oldest child of my best friend, Peggy Murrietta, died in a horrific bus crash in Mexican Hat, Utah.

The photo above was retrieved from Joey’s cell phone. It is time-stamped 1/6/08, taken on the mountain that last day. Peggy so treasures this photo, knowing that Joey was living life to the fullest, doing something he loved to do.

the fab four

Also left behind, are Joey’s adoring siblings; Samme (then 16 – now 21), Natalie (then 13 – now 18), and Steve (then 11 – now 16).


Joey was the consummate big brother. He was their protector. Their defender. The peace-maker. Their beloved big brother.

Peggy and Joey

Joey was all that and more, not only to Samme, Natalie, and Steve, but also to his beautiful mom, Peggy, and to his friends, including his buddy and my son, Connor.

Joey and Con


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January 6, 2013   11 Comments

baby it’s cold outside

perfect pairings

Salt and Pepper.
Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Bread and Butter.
Wine and Cheese.
Milk and Cookies.
Gin and Tonic.

Winter and Soup.

winter and soup

They are made for each other! Each is a perfect match made in heaven.


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January 5, 2013   3 Comments

crock-pot French Dip

Easy French Dip

My husband loves fires, really a little too much. For Dave, this blazing glory is a small fire. I think he has a problem!



French Dip Recipe

… Crock-Pots Rock!

That’s all I have to say as an intro for this super easy and super delicious recipe.


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January 4, 2013   2 Comments

My Girls’ Chai Granola

The other night, two of Marissa’s best friends, Kaley and Lindsey, were over. They wanted to cook or bake, but my cupboards are currently pretty bare.

whole chai spices

I had been thinking of baking up a batch of Chai something. Not sure what, but I’ve really been craving Chai lately. So we settled on Chai Granola, mostly because I had everything needed so no trip to the grocery store would be necessary.

They threw it together while I instructed (bossed them around) and snapped photos.


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January 3, 2013   3 Comments

Pretty loaf of bread

ready to give

I saw this beautiful loaf of bread, more like a bunch of rolls actually, on Pinterest, and instantly knew I wanted to make it ASAP. The wonderful blog it originated from is called The Italian Dish. Check it out, I know you’ll love it.

I had to hold Dave, Marissa, and Connor back from diving into this when it came out of the oven. I did not bake it for them – I brought it as a hostess gift to the lovely Joanne and handsome Mark, who had us over on New Year’s Eve.

Use you imagination, and you could take this basic recipe, shape the dough into balls, and make any number of designs.

tree loaf

From a festive tree for next Christmas to a heart, for Valentine’s Day.

Thank you, Mark and Joanne, we had a fun evening, even if I was a bit sore and tired which resulted in us leaving before midnight.

Which reminds me – I have not given an update on my pelvic injury in a while – I am doing so much better! I have been walking on my own, without the walker, since last Thursday. I’ve even ventured upstairs a time or two when I’ve needed something up there. Most importantly, I’m driving, so life is just about back to normal! I should be completely healed in about two weeks.

Thank you again for all your kind deeds and lovely thoughts and prayers. God is good and so are you! xoxo [Read more →]

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January 2, 2013   1 Comment