Lisa’s famous…

Today is the 13th Blogiversary of this page! Yay!!! If you have followed for long, maybe as long as *thirteen years, then you may remember Amy’s Famous Taco Soup. I posted that wonderfully easy recipe on November 3, 2009, during year one of this blog. Just like Amy, Lisa is a long-time dear friend and a former neighbor in Equestrian Manor. And just as with Amy, Lisa has a recipe that is a family favorite. Lisa has been making this pasta dish several times a month for the last 20 years for her family. They request it often, and she is always happy to oblige. Lisa recalls that she adapted what was to be a pizza topping into a pasta dish. Excellent decision!
Lisa made it for me when I had the pleasure of going to the family cabin outside of Prescott this past weekend. The sunset photos are from that beautiful and magical place. Thank you, Gordon and Lisa, for inviting me, and thank you, Lisa, for agreeing to let me share this gem of a recipe!

*Today marks 13 years since the first post here at In the past, I’ve made a big deal about my Blogiverasary. That doesn’t feel appropriate this year since there have been many gaps, a few very long gaps, especially in the last several years. Yet, this is the 2,084th post. So, all in all, not too shabby. Thanks for hanging in there through it all!
[Read more →]August 16, 2022 4 Comments