soup all year

For me, it’s never too hot for soup. I understand why some people shy away from soup during the summer because I’m the same way about red wine. Give me white or rosé (also known as Summer Water) or nothing at all. But my love for soup is year-round.

I actually made this batch of broccoli soup on Memorial Day when it was unseasonably cool outside. I had a big bag of broccoli florets that needed to be used, time was not their friend. I also had a loaf of brioche in the freezer left from cooking classes earlier in the month which would make wonderful croutons for this soup or a salad later in the week. I always feel good about using up stuff I have on hand instead of another grocery store run.

For the mix of fresh herbs, I used rosemary, parsley, thyme, and oregano. Use whatever herbs you like best or have on hand.

June 5, 2019 3 Comments