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taste memory

“I’ve had this, or something like it before, but I can’t for the life of me figure out exactly when or where.”


Have you ever tasted something and thought that?

It is exactly what happened to me last night when I was assisting a cooking class at Les Gourmettes.

Meredith Deeds was the instructor and as she began to put together this soup … well, I knew the second I smelled it, that I had created a recipe with those same smells, those same flavors, and tastes … but it was not a soup.

300 sensatiuonal soups

Meredith is the c0-author of 300 Sensational Soups, and she is not only lovely but she is a wonderful teacher too. She demonstrated three of the 300 last night, and the African Peanut Soup was, hands down, my favorite.

During my drive home, I was racking my brain trying to remember the recipe I’d made using the same combination of peanut butter, sweet potatoes, and coconut milk. I could have sworn it was pasta. It was not, it was THIS recipe. As I recall, it was quite a hit with the family. Today, I shall share Meredith’s fantastic soup recipe. Expect a similar pasta recipe to come down the road sometime soon too.


January 30, 2014   No Comments