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my girl


I’m sitting at gate 30 in SFO waiting for my morning flight home.

I am sad.

I hate leaving my girl. I always wish that a weekend trip could be longer.


Even so, it was a glorious long weekend together. As is our tradition, when I arrived on Thursday night, we drove directly to San Tung Chinese Restaurant for their dry chicken wings.


Marissa used to live in Outer Sunset, which is near San Tung. Since she moved to Pac Heights, which is quite a bit farther, we call ahead for take-out instead of waiting in the long line – there is always a long line at San Tung! We take our food home and devour it like a pack of starving dogs.

That was pretty much it for Thursday. I checked into the hotel and went to bed happy with my tummy full of those amazing wings! Someday, I’m going to do a boatload of research and figure out the recipe.


Marissa worked from home on Friday. Before she clocked in, she came over to the Hotel Drisco for breakfast, then we went back to her apartment. While she worked, I did my usual “Mom is here to visit and do stuff” things.

I repaired a broken part of the reclining couch. I cleaned a problem area in the tub/shower. No need to go into detail here. It was a nasty and difficult job that Marissa couldn’t figure out and that honestly took me several trial and errors before got right.

I then made a Target run to get a replacement microwave (an Emerson brand she bought in May had already died!) and a new toaster oven. The oven she’d had since college was too nasty for me to approve of any longer!

corner market

I walked down two blocks to the corner market for some stuff. Then walked back down three blocks in the same direction to the hardware store for more stuff. I did all my little fix-it jobs until she clocked out at 5:00.

wine time

Then, we went up the hill to the Hotel Drisco for the wine reception. After relaxing there, we called for a Lift car and went to North Beach for dinner.


 Photo from SFGate.com

Have you heard of Lift or Sidecar? They are these great “urban taxis” that San Francisco has. Regular people use their own cars to give you rides to where you need to go.  The drivers are checked out and hired by Lift and Sidecar and you use an app on your smartphone to find drivers in your area. No cash is exchanged. You are sent a bill at the end of the night and you pay online. It’s fabulous! Marissa said that Lift is now in Phoenix. I can see how it might work in Old Scottsdale or Tempe, but with our urban sprawl, I don’t know how it can survive in our area. It’s perfect for a city like San Francisco though!


Anyhow, we planned to eat at Tony’s Pizza Napoletana, but the wait was 2 hours. Maybe next time.


January 21, 2014   8 Comments