Tip Tuesday
A new feature here is Tip Tuesday. There is already of TIP INDEX of tips I’ve previously shared over there on the left side of the page. We’ll be adding to it on Tuesdays.

Built-in Lid and Utensil Holders
Did you know that your Instant Pot has a built-in lid holder?

Yup, the handle holds the lid! Very cool. It turns out the many large pots and saucepans have a similar feature.

I tested all of my saucepans and pots and unfortunately, not one of them has this feature. Be sure to check and see if yours do. It is very convenient!

A feature that many of my saucepans do have though is the utensil holder built into the handle.

This is something I have known about and used for years, I just never thought it was something that wasn’t known by all and needed to be shared. But there you go, Happy Tuesday!

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