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a Pinterest weekend

I didn’t post yesterday because I was busy working on a project that I had seen on Pinterest. Are you on Pinterest yet? If not, why not?  It is such a fantastic internet tool, I can’t get enough of it and I’m going to explain why. Then I’ll show you two projects I found on Pinterest and then DID! That is correct, I didn’t just “pin” said projects, I actually did them!

If you have not yet discovered or even know what Pinterest is, read this article from Forbes. It describes it in a much more comprehensive way then I would or could. The paragraph that hits the nail on the head for me is;

“The value of Pinterest is in capturing and collecting inspiring scraps of the Web. The site taps into our primal hardwiring to hunt and gather. We want to keep things that make us feel good and we like knowing they are kept somewhere safe; like a treasured shoebox full of life’s memorabilia. Through its browser bookmarklet, “re-pin” button and ability to invite contributors, users collect items onto “boards” they’ve labeled based on their interests. Common boards include, “things I love,” “places to go,” and “stuff for kids.””

That is what Pinterest is for me, “a treasured shoebox full of”… full of stuff from the web that I want to save and access again.  Before Pinterest, I would take a snapshot of something from the web, or copy/paste a website address and place it on a Word document, and then I’d put the snapshots and documents into folders “somewhere” on my computer. That’s the key problem, “somewhere” on my computer where it would later take me forever to find them when I needed them. I’d search and search for that thing, that idea, until I was either totally exhausted from the search or until I gave up.

If you would like to join Pinterest, let me know by sending me a comment saying so and I’ll send you an invite. An invite is the quickest way to join. I joined without an invite (just by going to Pinterest.com) and it took about 5 or 6 days for them to get back to me, thus allowing me to join.  OK, so what projects did I do because I saw them on Pinterest, subsequently “pinned” them onto one of my boards, and then went back when I was ready to tackle the projects?


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February 27, 2012   3 Comments