The final Christmas Potluck Recipe 13
This last recipe was made by Cheryl. Cheryl is a true Hostess with the Mostess, who chooses to not select one of the recipes I email out to the group but to be a rebel and make one of her own. Something I absolutely love about her!

The problem with that this year is that since no photos of the food were taken by me or any of the guests, I have no photo of Cheryl’s delicious dish to share with you. Thankfully, she provided a recipe for all of us and brought it along. I’ve taken a photo of that so you can make it too.
And since they are “wrapped” figs, it seems appropriate to say, “That’s a Wrap” for the 2022 Christmas Appetizer Potluck roundup! xoxo
Little Known Amazing Random Fact: The Eiffel Tower grows six inches in the summer. Heat makes steel expand, it goes back to its normal size as the weather cools.
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