Parmesan and Plums
Today is my sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Sloane! I love you and I’m looking forward to celebrating with you tonight!

Also, this is the last post of April. If you don’t already know, there is a contest that ends today. If you’re not playing along, it’s not too late, just go read the rules HERE. You may still leave comments through Thursday evening since the winner(s) will be drawn on Friday.

If you are playing, please double-check all the April posts to be certain you’ve left a comment on each one, there are a total of twelve posts this April. The winning name(s) will be drawn and notified on Friday, May 3, 2019. Helpful Hint: To easily look at each post this month, there is an April calendar in the top right corner of this page. The dates in blue are days with a post. You can click on each of those blue days and scroll down to the comments to check and see if your comment is there. This is the page layout for a computer. On a cell phone, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “View Full Site” to see the calendar in the upper right corner.

Since April is coming to an end, this is also the last post about Easter 2019. Here are photos of the Easter Harmony Board and Bloody Mary Board which I created, along with my table setting. Plus a simple recipe for the second salad I served for Easter. HERE is a link to the first salad.

Plum and Parmesan Salad
- 3 tablespoons sherry vinegar
- 1 ½ tablespoons honey
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 8 ripe red and/or black plums
- 1/3 cup shaved Parmesan cheese
- Sea salt, (I prefer Maldon)
Whisk vinegar, honey, and black pepper in a medium bowl until honey is incorporated. Slowly drizzle the olive oil while whisking until it all comes together.
Cut the plums in half, remove the pits, then thinly slice and add to the bowl of dressing. Toss to coat. Just before serving, add the Parmesan and gently toss, taste and season with sea salt, as desired. The salad may not need any salad due to the saltiness of the cheese.
Serves 6
That looks delish! And happy birthday Sloane!
This salad was so yummy!
This was so yummy. I had seconds! Thank you Lisa!
Love those Harmony Boards Linda. Send my regards for a Happy birthday to Sloane!
Oh, P.S. I have those same pretty pink cabbage plates (only a set of 4). Perfect for Easter!
Linda, I have always loved your classes because I just love your flavor range. This salad sound great. And you always teach us great tricks while cooking. Some to save time but most for better flavor.
The Easter Harmony board is beautiful, Linda!! And I love plums, thank you for sharing this salad recipe!!
Your Easter Harmony Board is beautiful. Can’t wait to try the Plum/Parmesan salad.
Happy Birthday to Sloane!
Your guests are always treated to such beautiful table settings along with your beautiful and yummy food. You are amazing (and even with a painful knee)
these trays and boards are so beautiful, perfect for any days and occasion!
Can’t wait to try the salad! Miss seeing Sloane when she used to help you out at Les Gourmettes! Double the stories and laughs!
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