
Yup, another post about that pickle juice vodka I made that isn’t so great. It wasn’t my intention to write another post but a comment from Nancy on the last post prompted this one.
Nancy said, “Did you think about pouring some of the vodka back into the pickles to have “pickled” pickles? Maybe for Bloody Marys?”

Actually, I’d not only thought of it, but I’d already done it. Although I didn’t pour the vodka back over the pickles, I poured it over the contents of this jar of mixed vegetables I had picked up at World Market. As you can see in the photo, the vegetables are packed in safflower oil. The oil taste and smell were unappetizingly strong. Seriously strong, when I opened the jar, I gagged a little. No, the oil had not gone rancid, you can see the “use-by” date is 2021. It was just Very fragrant!

I used part of the contents in a Custom Installation of Harmony Boards earlier this month. To make them taste and smell good, I drained off the oil, patted them as dry as I could get them, and then rinsed them in apple cider vinegar. That worked. They are on the rectangular dish in the photo above.

Here is a close-up photo.

To get back to Nancy and her kind comment. I drained off the remaining oil from the jar, rinsed the vegetables under hot running water, drained again, returned them to their jar, and then poured in the rest of my pickle juice vodka. I’m going to let them marinate in that until Easter and use them for a Bloody Mary bar for our Easter Brunch.
Great minds, Nancy. Great Minds!
1 comment
Great minds indeed! They’re going to be great, especially with that dill!
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