handmade crackers
I must admit, making crackers at home doesn’t seem like something one needs to do. There are so many delicious cracker varieties to choose from, why bother?

Turns out, crackers are quick and easy to make, so if you don’t feel like hopping in the car if all you need is a few crackers, why not make your own? You most likely have everything needed in your pantry. Flour, sugar, salt, and olive oil along with a little cold water. Add Parmesan and fresh rosemary and you can have fancy handmade crackers.

There are several toppings you may sprinkle on the crackers before baking. I used my Fresh Italian Herb Salt, but use whatever you prefer.

I also used my cool cactus rolling pin because I have no idea when I’ll ever use it to make cookies. It didn’t leave any sort of markings since the dough is not smooth or soft enough to hold a pattern. Oh well, I tried. I guess sugar cookies are going to have to be made after all.
[Read more →]May 22, 2020 3 Comments