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Sweet Salvage

I shall share with you my June Sweet Salvage finds, from what I think is the most charming all the way to my favorite!


A 1953 high school dance card. Look at the adorable little pencil that is still attached!

too tired

It reads, “North Phoenix High School, Girls’ League Blue, And Silver Ball, Saturday, November 14, 1953”

There is no indication of the name of the young lady who was holding this card, but it is obvious that Ronnie Spaulding was her beau. They danced together 8 of the 11 dances she danced. She was “too tired” to dance the sixth dance, titled the “Prize Waltz” so she sat that one out. And it looks as though she and Ronnie may have ducked out before the “extra” dances at the bottom of the card. Poor Jack Brown, Bill Carroll, and Barry Baker never had a chance!

faux bois yellowston mug

A nifty faux bois (from the French for false wood) souvenir mug from Yellowstone Park.

bake day

Sweet embroidered tea towels.


I absolutely adore the applique “French maid cookbook” towel too!

a la carte plate

Unique dinner and salad plates.  And now for my favorite and most unusual find…


June 20, 2014   2 Comments