blogiversary eve

Tomorrow is the 10th birthday/blogiversary of There will be a contest. So you really should come back and see what you could win!

In the meantime, I have a couple of random things to share. I am currently in Canada with Kim at the Howard family compound known as Deer Lake. It is situated between Ottowa and Montreal in the Province of Quebec. This time we flew into Montreal. The large structure on the left in the photo above is the Olympic Stadium from the summer games of 1976.

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I would show you what I did with the bits and pieces of fruit, veggies, and cheese that were in my refrigerator before I left town. Here is a peek inside my carry-on bag.

We had to change planes in Minneapolis, so we found a little lounge table and chairs in the airport and put together our own mini-size travel Harmony Boards to enjoy on the second leg of our flight.

Kim’s is on the right and mine is on the left.

Ready to dig in on the plane.

Today we started out on a hike, but my knee is jacked up again, so I cut it short while Kim went on. On the way back to the house, I collected wildflowers from the side of the road.

I put together 5 arrangements, including the one at the top of this page and the one above. So pretty and yet discouraging, as I struggle to keep even a few edible flower plants alive in the Arizona summer, while these beauties are thriving at the side of the road!

Lastly, I know I mentioned last year how wonderful the Ottawa Rose Tomatoes, Ontario Peaches, corn, and really all the produce is up here during the summer. Well, we are delighting in them again this summer. In fact, this has been our dinner every night we’ve been up here thus far. That’s the great thing when two like minds are eating together. If the in-season food is perfection, we don’t care if we eat the same thing day after day!
See you tomorrow with my 10th Birthday/Blogiversary post!
Linda and Kim,
YUM!!! Have a wonderful time! Enjoy the cooler weather.
I’m sure everyone else on the plane was jealous!!
Hi Lisa, They were asking where we bought them. 🙂
Wow, 10 years tomorrow! Happy you are enjoying Canada, hugs to Kim! Enjoyed seeing the beautiful mini harmony boards and wild flower arrangements! xoxo
The mini harmony boards are so pretty! You are making all the other passengers on the plane jealous 🙂
Does TSA create a problem carrying food other than in factory sealed packages?
No problem bringing food on the plane. I had nine containers; one with cheese, one with veggies, one with hummus and six with fruit, all were allowed. They did pull me over and open the carry-on to check one of the containers, which I guessed they might. It was the one with the hummus. I’ve tried to take soup on before and that got taken away because it was considered a liquid and I wasn’t sure if the hummus would be considered the same, but it was allowed.
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