Tip Tuesday
Today we have some baking tips. As you may recall, I hate to bake but sometimes it winds up being a necessity.

For more intense chocolate flavor in chocolate-based recipes, substitute 1/3 to 1/2 cocoa powder for 1/3 to 1/2 of the flour that is called for in the recipe.

For chocolate recipes that call for flouring the pan, prep the pan with cocoa powder instead of flour. This not only ups the chocolate ante, it also eliminates the white film that flour leaves behind.

If you are using decorative paper cupcake or muffin liners (such as birthday or holiday-themed) lightly layer the bottom of the cupcake wells with dry rice, then the liner and batter, and bake as instructed. This will prevent greasy paper liners. No need to waste the rice for foil liners, those are already “greasy proof.”

For measuring sticky items such as honey, syrup, molasses, peanut butter, etc. Press the measuring spoon or measuring cup into the dry mixture. Then fill that void with the sticky ingredient. Nothing sticky to wash!
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