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too much testosterone

the big T

Yeah, you read that right. There is too much testosterone surrounding me right now.

And nowhere near enough estrogen!

raining men

All I see, talk, and listen to from dawn to dusk is men, men, and more men! It’s not just “raining men” over here, it’s a virtual flood of men!

That might sound like heaven to some, but trust me, it’s too much. Not another female in sight.

under construction

It begins at 6 AM with the general contractor and his son. They are in charge of building our new patio addition out back.

Now, if “he” was a “she” – I could go out and greet her in my jammies and begin my day leisurely. But no… I have to get fully dressed and be somewhat presentable before I leave my bathroom each and every morning. That sucks!

Heck, if I’m not leaving the house on a normal day, I may not get dressed at all. For the last 8 weeks, it has been anything but normal around here.

Besides those two men, there is the plumber, the electrician and his son, the mason, the roofers, and the Cantera stone guy.

Plus, the stucco fellow, the drywall dude, the painters, and the pickup and delivery guy who re-strapped some of our existing patio furniture.

Not to mention, the poor guy who comes and switches out the port-a-potty, and the city inspectors… you get the idea. They are all lovely guys, but … they are MEN.

Then there are the UPS and FedEx male drivers, delivering all the furniture, lighting, speakers, decor, etc. that I’ve purchased for the addition.

ups santa

They are actually my favorite men at the current moment, my personal Santas… it is like Christmas in July (and August) over here!

Oh, and don’t forget those three men who are always in my life; Dave, Connor, and my dad!

Thank the Lord, Marissa comes home on the 15th for the weekend. She is a bridesmaid at a college girlfriend’s wedding. I won’t see her all that much while she’s here, but any little piece of her that I can get – I will take! Yay! I can not wait!

marissa and paige

I need my girl!!!

That’s the end of my Thursday Rant. Just had to get that off my chest.

Once this construction is finished, I’ll be ready for a male-drought, if you know what I mean.

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1 Peggy { 08.08.13 at 9:36 AM }

I’m coming over!!

2 Marissa { 08.08.13 at 9:48 PM }

I’ll be home soon!!!

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