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“almost famous”

OK, how crazy is this? I’m doing a little late-night shopping last night on the Williams-Sonoma website and I come across a quote from….. me!?!  Ya, that’s right, I’m just innocently perusing along and suddenly the words, “Scottsdale, AZ” catch my eye and I see a favorable review I gave one of their items. Seriously, I don’t know how long it’ll be on the site, or if will even be there in the next hour, so I took a “snapshot” of it.

And, by the way, it is a completely heartfelt review.  I do love those darn sponges, even though they cost $15 for a dozen, they are worth every penny, as far as I’m concerned!  I even give them as gifts (alright, stocking stuffers) to Marissa and my mother-in-law every Christmas. Alas, that’s why I was there in the first place, to buy more! I wish they would send me a few free packages and then I could have a contest and give them away to you too! Well, you never know…

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1 Sharon { 03.11.10 at 10:14 AM }

That is pretty cool Linda.

2 Grandma H. { 03.11.10 at 1:59 PM }

I totally agree. Thanks for keeping me supplied with those wonderful sponges.

3 Linda Hopkins { 03.11.10 at 10:40 PM }

You are very welcome, Mom! xoxo

4 Ronnie Jaap { 03.14.10 at 1:56 PM }

OMG — My Mom used to use these sponges when I was a kid! I had no idea they were back! What a blast from the past. By the way, you are awesome.

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