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population boom

When I first wrote about our trip to a family reunion in Kansas, I said, “It is being held in New Almelo, Kansas – population 622.”

St Joe

I guess that was the population of the town and the surrounding area “back in the day” when there was a church, cemetery, post office, grocery store, gas station, and such. I had found that population number on the web.

Now there is only the church, the cemetery, and about a dozen homes and a population of…

… wait for it…

… a grand total of…

… about 22!

That’s right, between 22 and “maybe 25” permanent residents and approximately 10 more “weekend residents” from Denver, CO.


The reunion was held in the church hall.

first to arrive

Given that my Dad was one of the attendees, we were among the first to arrive at the nearly empty hall at about 9:30 AM on Saturday morning.


By 11:30 or so, the place was hopping! And the food…

meat meat meat

There was enough food to feed a small army.


Smoked meats of every type and flavor.

salads and sides

More salads and sides than I could count.

dessert for one

And the desserts, don’t get me started on the tables upon tables of desserts! The food was all delicious and the company was delightful.

Although some of the most exciting moments of the trip occurred AFTER the reunion. Remember, we were in Kansas after all.

find shelter

That’s right, there was a tornado warning. We arrived back at our hotel at about 7:30 on Saturday night. We were all wiped out, so Dad went to his room and went to bed.

Sloane and I went to our room and started watching a movie… until Sloane received the above alert!

The rest of the tornado story… tomorrow.

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1 Tram Mai { 06.16.14 at 2:14 PM }

Love a small town that can bring a ton of food!!

2 Tram Mai { 06.16.14 at 2:16 PM }

More importantly, so glad you guys were okay!!!

3 sloane { 06.16.14 at 4:04 PM }

No thank you! I will take our hot temps over tornadoes anyday!

4 Lori V { 06.16.14 at 11:55 PM }

Can only assume there is a happy ending to this story, since you are still writing! Your life is never dull my friend . . . . . .you are a great daughter! Can’t wait for what I am sure will be a very interesting conclusion! xoxo

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