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Two years and one day ago, I posted THIS. It’s the easy instructions for making homemade vanilla extract. In it, I tell you to run out to Cost Plus Market and buy vanilla beans. That was good advice back then.


Today, I would like to revise that advice and tell you to run as fast as you possibly can (or drive the speed limit) to Costco and buy as many packages of their fantastic vanilla beans as you can afford, or as you can use, or as you might like to give as gifts. Personally, I bought 5 packages.

costco vanilla beans

It has been about three years since I last found these vanilla beans at Costco, so I know they are only there for a limited time. They are amazing, they are super cheap … a steal really! Ten long fresh, soft and supple, superbly lovely vanilla beans for only $11.19 each. Trust me, you won’t find them cheaper anywhere!

I found mine at the Scottsdale Airpark Costco and I also saw them at the Paradise Valley Costco.


I can’t say if they are at other area stores and I certainly won’t guarantee that they will be there long, but if you plan on making vanilla extract for gifts this year, the timing could not be more perfect!

Stop reading, and get in your car.

Why are you still here?

Get Going!!!!

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1 comment

1 Linda Hopkins { 10.02.13 at 4:51 PM }

I received two separate emails with very good questions about making vanilla extract and about vanilla beans in general. I want to share both with all of you, because good questions help everyone:

Question 1:
What is the difference between bourbon versus vodka vanilla extract? Is the bourbon taste just stronger than vanilla? Make a difference in recipes?

My Answer:
I’ve made it with bourbon and with vodka and I just prefer the stronger punch from the bourbon that you get than what you get from vodka. There really is not a difference as far as measuring or use in recipes since such a small amount is used each time.

It’s all personal preference or sometimes, just what you have handy. I always have vodka in the bar but not always bourbon and sometimes laziness wins out for me. 🙂

Question #2:

Before I ‘stock up’, how long do the beans usually keep in the unopened package?

My Answer:

I’ve used the Costco beans (as you said, unopened) 10 months after I bought them and they were still soft and pliable. Then when I do open them, I super wrap the beans in plastic and put them back in the tube, closed the tube and then wrap the tube in plastic, I’ve been able to use them for 3 to 4 months after that.

If you have a question for me, fire away.

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