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the ring

There was a little glitch with the ring for the proposal that occurred on Saturday.

Jeff had the ring custom-made and although it was promised to be completed and to arrive in time for the proposal, it did not.

Jeff insisted the jeweler overnight a “stand-in” ring and they did, but then it was held up by FedEx and stuck in Oakland on Saturday.

Poor guy! After all his careful and detailed planning, others dropped the ball. So while Marissa and I were on our “Amazing Race San Francisco,” Jeff was at Macy’s buying a second “returnable” stand-in ring.


As I mentioned yesterday, he even had the foresight to have one of our pit stops on the “Race” occur at a nail salon so we could each get a mani/pedi. Here is a photo of my sad old torn-up left hand intertwined with Marissa’s young smooth pretty left hand… her’s ring free for the last few fleeting hours.


The real ring finally arrived last night.

closeup 7.28.33 AM

It is exactly what Marissa wished for. A delicate platinum ring with a sapphire center stone and 2 diamonds on each side.


The side view is almost as pretty as the top.

This ring has Marissa’s name written all over it and fits her style perfectly.

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1 Peggy { 05.15.14 at 2:28 PM }

The ring is soooo perfecT!

2 Marissa { 05.15.14 at 2:39 PM }

I love it! Don’t even want to give it up for a moment to get re-sized.

3 Cindi Hancock { 05.15.14 at 3:13 PM }

Ahhh, MAMA, such good times ahead! Congrats to all!

4 Sheila { 05.15.14 at 7:40 PM }


5 Tram Mai { 05.16.14 at 7:56 AM }

It’s beautiful!! And I love how Jeff improvised! Again, very creative!!!

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