I am typing this in the late afternoon on the Monday after Mother’s Day. I haven’t left the house or talked to more than two people all day and you can’t believe how much joy this brings me. The previous five days have been a whirlwind. It began on Wednesday with the second of my series classes at Les Gourmettes. Thursday I made some last-minute Harmony Boards that a customer begged me to do, even though I explained that less than 18 hours of notice was not nearly enough notice.

Thursday was meant to be spent shopping and prepping for the more than 27 boards that were already on the books for Friday and Saturday. But I made these two Harmony Boards for her on Thursday anyhow. Why is “no” so darn hard to say?

I did insist that she pick them up, I had not an extra minute for deliveries that day. It turned out to be good practice since the mini Harmony Board pictured above which I made for her was very similar to the ten I made the next morning.

I started with the minis on Friday at 4:30 AM since I had so much to get done before noon. I made the 10 boards above and then Kim came to the rescue and helped make four more medium monochromatic boards that were needed to feed customers at the Pop-Up Market that evening.

I worked the Pop-Up from 5-8 PM on Friday night and then started the process over again on Saturday morning. I again got up early to make more Mini Mother’s Day Boards to sell at the market.

Then Kim arrived and together we made two more of the green monochromatic Boards for the Pop-Up Market and an additional three medium boards for a 50th birthday party that evening in my old neighborhood. (Happy Birthday, Denise!)

I went to the Pop-Up and worked from 11:00 until 3:30 when Kim arrived to relieve me so that I could go home, pick up the three boards, deliver and set up for the birthday party.

I went back to the Pop-Up and worked it until 8:00, came home, unloaded, and fell into bed completely exhausted. Oh, I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who came by. Many thanks to Peggy, Amy, Bonnie, Ronnie, Chanté, Maggie, Sue, and Katie!

On Sunday, Mother’s Day, I actually slept in, a rarity, thanks to my pesky cats. Connor came over at 9:45 and we drove up to Sedona for Mother’s Day brunch at L’auberge De Sedona.

After brunch, we went to The Chapel of the Holy Cross Catholic Church. I love this place, it was the peaceful moment I needed after all the hustle and bustle of the week. But driving two hours each way wears a girl out too. Once again, I went to bed exhausted.

Now you see why I was perfectly happy vegetating in my house on Monday. I did get a few things done. For instance, I finally put away all the Easter dishes.

Yep, all this has all been spread out on the bed in the guest bedroom for more than three weeks now.

Bombay was a huge help. 🙂 Today I’m back to it, but that Monday reboot was just what I needed. Wishing you all a productive yet peaceful week ahead.
Linda aka Wonder Woman,
Your boards are stunning! I know it is a lot of work, but I am so happy that you are so successful at yet another business venture. Happy Belated Mother’s Day….looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night!
Agree with above. “Wonder women”. Don’t know how you do it. Is the heart shaped cheese Brie? Love these small boards. Wish I had been in town
Hi Betsy, thank you and yes, I buy a large wheel of brie and use a cookie cutter for the heart shape.
Shirley, xoxo 🙂
sometimes it’s ok to say “no”. I love my board! Thank you!
Love working on Harmony Boards with you.
Still don’t know how you got all of that done.
As my Dad use to say, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.”
Linda, you are a Rockstar!! Thank you for posting. Your beautiful work inspires me 🙂
I’m thinking of the old song “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!” You are amazing and we’re always in awe of what you’ve accomplished……BUT you need more of those Mondays!! Looking forward to tonight’s class even though it will be so hard when we walk out Barb’s kitchen door for the last time!
Marilyn, I do need more of those Mondays! I know, it’s going to be an emotional night. xoox
Teresa, my sister-in-love. YOU inspire me in life! xoxo
Hi Linda, your boards are exquisite. Love love love them. I’m on a new adventure for the next year and will be leaving this week. Stay in touch with me!
Debbie, an innkeeper! How exciting, I will follow along!
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