… I’m back…

Hello! Is anyone still out there? Have you completely given up on me? I’m hoping not.
I’d like to say that since filing for divorce in January 2017, I’ve found it difficult to get back into blogging consistently. But if I’m completely honest with myself, the struggle started before that. I began to get less and less consistent when I was preparing for my daughter’s wedding in early 2015. Four years later and I’m finally ready to get back on the horse, for real this time!

I know all too well that I’ve said that before. In November 2015, I even titled a post, “I’m baaaack” – that was a couple of weeks after Marissa and Jeff’s wedding. Then, in February 2017, I wrote a post titled “back in the saddle.” But this time it is different. I am settled into my new single life. Settled in my home, where I feel more comfortable than I’ve felt in years. Settled in a new exciting business – Harmony Boards. And feeling settled with the personal growth and changes I’m making in myself.

Les Petites Gourmettes will always be a cooking/recipe blog but I’m ready to get a bit more personal with it too. My kids might think, “More personal? DO NOT Get MORE Personal!” They feel as though I overshare already, at least when it comes to them. But I don’t plan on talking about them so much. I’ll be talking more about me and how I truly feel about things. Don’t worry, it won’t be getting heavy, in fact, I hope for it to be more real and more heartfelt. I was holding back before because I was not always in a good place. I’m in a good place now. And I’m ready to open up to that.

The time is also right because I just returned from a blogger/social media conference in Austin. I signed up for it to help me get back on the horse and get pumped up, inspired, and breathe some new life into this nearly 10-year-old blog. Ten Years in August! That is crazy. Even with the recently extended and long breaks of the past 3+ years, I’ve still managed to create 1,989 posts, which I believe averages out to a bit more than a new post every other day. Not bad, but consistency is better and more gratifying than numbers, so consistency is what I’m now striving for.

Please come back on Monday and I’ll share my frighting pantry story. In the meantime, I’d absolutely love it and be forever grateful if you went on over to Instagram, searched for Harmony_Boards, and gave me a friendly follow. I promise you’ll be rewarded with photos of beautiful food and fun InstaStories from yours truly. AND, thanks for hanging in there with me, I am extremely grateful and excited for a new experience in blogging! xoxo
Note: Photos are from my backyard and represent spring and new birth … as in my reboot in blogging.
I have missed you! Welcome back. Looking forward to your new posts.
I am glad you are back. You always blog great stories and recipes. Looking forward to reading your up and coming blogs.
Welcome back! Happy spring and new life 🙂
Welcome back. So happy for you
Soooo glad that you are back blogging!
Hi Linda! Welcome baaaaack and good luck
Good Morning Linda,
WOOHOO!!!! I have missed you! I asked Barb about you in January when I took a cooking class from her. I am so happy you are back.
Looking forward to seeing you in May.
With love,
Thank you Shirley, can’t wait to see you at classes in May! xoxo
Thank you Bonnie, it feels good to be back. <3
Thank you Betsy, and thank you for all the love and support on FB and Insta too! xoox
Thank you Shelley, and thank you for hanging in there with me. <3
Just because you’re anonymous doesn’t mean I’m not gonna thank you for your kind, loving and supportive comment. Thank you! 😉
So grateful you’re back and doing so well! Excited to read your stories again. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You’re an amazing, inspiring & strong woman! Here’s to you on International Woman’s Day!
I’m so glad you are back. i did check periodically to see if you were back and was so pleased when I clicked on your blog today—-there you were! Looking forward to hearing lots more from you!
Welcome baaaaack!!! Always enjoy getting your posts and seeing pics, looking forward to more… I’m especially happy for you as you are getting settled in your life and looking forward on your journey. I love you!
Welcome back!! I love that you are posting again- and I especially love this post. The photos, the expressive and personal way you have written . . . .but most importantly, that you are in a happy and healthy place again. No one deserves it more 🙂
Aw, thanks girl! I love you!
And I love you, BFF! xoxo
Thank you Karen! Thank you for hanging in there with me and even checking up on me. So sweet!
Thank you, all this wonderful feedeback makes me realize how much I’ve missed it! You all are the best!
Marilyn, I had not even put together that today was the first time I’d come back to blocking after so long and that today is International Women’s Day. How appropriate, thanks so much for pointing it out! Thank you for always supporting me. XOXO
Thank you, Ann! <3
You can share some things about me…
Yay! I am glad you’re back to blogging!
I love you! xoxo
Hi Linda….and welcome back!
Looking forward to more news, stories and of course recipes in the near future!
Thank you, Amy. 🙂
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