Mother’s Day minis
If you follow my business, Harmony Boards, on social media you may already know that I will be offering mini-boards for pick up on Mother’s Day weekend only.

I closed my business on March 18th to not only stay safe myself but to keep my father, who I take supplies and see often, safe as well. The way my business is set up requires me to grocery shop just about every other day for fresh produce and other goods. It is not like the restaurants who have been able to stay open, offering take-out, since those establishments have their produce and other goods delivered directly to them, without the need to venture out for any items.

When I was offered the opportunity to make the mini boards for Mother’s Day in collaboration with a local florist and venue in downtown Phoenix, it felt the like perfect solution and opportunity to keep Harmony Boards in front of people, to remind them that we are still here and will be back when it is deemed safe to be back in full force.

Like most of you, I venture out to Trader Joe’s, Costco, and/or the grocery stores only once a week. This week, on my regular outing, I’ll be able to pick up the produce I need for the mini-boards at the same time I shop for myself. And the boards will only be available for pickup at the downtown venue location. It feels like a triple win for Harmony Boards.

If you would like to order a Mother’s Day Mini-Board, please email me at either [email protected] or [email protected] and I’ll give you the details on how to pay and confirm your pickup day, either Saturday or Sunday, whichever you prefer. Florals from Angelic Grove will also be available for purchase at the venue when you pick up your Harmony Board.

wish I could order one for you!
Aw, sweet girl. I love you! xoox
The mini boards are Gorgeous and your marketing plan innovative. This has to be a big win for you. You are SO talented and creative, Linda!
Lina, I can’t thank you enough for all your kind words of support and love! Hope you are safe and well! xoxo
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