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get a sheet pan

I hate to have to call out someone here on the blog, especially my own daughter, but for the sake of this recipe, it must be done. Marissa does not have a decent sheet pan. When I say a decent sheet pan, I mean a large 13 x 18-inch baking sheet with sides, also known as a half sheet pan. Yes, the pans most of you have are actually half sheet pans. Here is the breakdown:

Quarter sheet pans are typically 9 by 13 inches (standard size for sheet cakes), half sheet pans are 18 by 13 inches (this is the size of most pans described simply as baking sheets) and full sheet pans are 26 by 18 inches (too big to fit in many home ovens, but the standard commercial size).

One of Marissa’s sheet pans is a quarter sheet pan, the other is smaller. As such, this recipe was very difficult to make while I was working on stocking her freezer before I left town.

You may be thinking, “Linda, seriously, just buy the girl a proper sheet pan!” Oh, I would, if my daughter wasn’t a minimalist. I do my best to NOT buy her anything that has not been preapproved. I don’t blame her for being a minimalist, she grew up in a maximalism home. The more, the better, is my motto. Why have one set of fine china when you can have six or seven patterns? Why have one set of clear cocktail glasses, when you can have multiple sets of various colors and styles? And don’t get me started on all of the delicious holiday selections! You get the idea. Plus, during her adult life, Marissa has lived in big cities, San Francisco and now Chicago, where space in your typical home needs to be used wisely. Whereas, she grew up in the suburbs and her mother always had plenty of room and could always add on a shed or two, or three! So, I get it. But Marissa, you NEED a half sheet pan!

*Important Reminder at the end of the recipe.


July 29, 2022   No Comments