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Friday Q & A

Last Friday, I answered a question that a follower emailed to me. I said that if any of you had questions for me, I’d answer them on future Fridays. Today is future Friday #1.

The only questions came from my dear friend and former neighbor, Lori, who is now living in Tokyo, Japan with her husband, Jonathan. In fact, Lori asked four questions and I will tackle one the of them today.

vento family

Here is Lori and Jonathan with their beautiful daughter, Kylie. I swiped this photo from Kylie’s Facebook page, I’m hoping none of them mind. 🙂   Lori’s question:


“You and I talked about this before. If you were going to take me shopping @ Trader Joe’s . . . . . . what are their top products in your mind, that you use all the time and are consistently delicious and versatile? Basically what are your “go-to’s” that you simply can’t leave the store without?”


That is an easy question to answer but so extremely hard to narrow down. Girl, I could go on all day! We shall start with these frozen garlic cubes. I panic if I don’t have at least 2 boxes in my freezer at all times.


Right when you walk into my neighborhood Trader Joe’s – you run into the produce and cheese area.


In my opinion, Trader Joe’s is the numero uno place to buy cheese. It is inexpensive, it doesn’t sit on the shelf long because everyone knows TJ’s is the best place to buy cheese, so it’s always fresh. And there is great variety.


Two of the produce items that I will only buy at Trader Joe’s are arugula and


Belgium endive.


Raisin Rosemary Crisps. They taste exactly like Raincoast Crisps, but are less than half the price. TJ’s Crisps are $3.99 a box, whereas a box of Raincoast costs $9.99!


Actually all the crackers are yummy and inexpensive.

best aisle

Here’s my favorite aisle in the entire store. It has…


Fire Roasted Red Peppers








Grains and pastas

olive oil

Olive oil, and so much more! And on the opposite side of the same aisle…

dried fruit

Dried fruits and…


Nuts. So many kinds of nuts.


February 14, 2014   4 Comments